Many samples (analysis items) can specifically be detected by a few characteristic absorption bands in the mid infrared spectrum. E.g. for determining the CO2 concentration it is sufficient to obtain an absorption wavelength plus a reference wavelength. A prerequsite would be a light source stabilized in the respective wavelength region.
The company’s MIR filter systems comprises a long lasting, encapsulated carbon membrane including a suitably designed, electronic control circuitry as a radiation source.The detector unit of the MIR filter system can cover up to four wavelength ranges by employing optical filters (see tech data sheet).
They will be read by a highly sensitive 24 bit analog digital converter, control is accomplished through the USB interface.The layout of the electronics, the optical filters and the software will be customized. With gaseous measuring cells up to 10 m optical distance it is possible to determine the concentration up to the ppb-region. Also reflection-, ATR- and transmission measurements of liquids can be realized by flow cells.